MTU Cork Library Catalogue

Authority search results

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Results 81 to 100 of 348

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Uniform Title:
Ellis Horwood books in information technology. Series in expert systems
used for/see from:
Ellis Horwood series in expert systems
Series in expert systems
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Ellis Horwood library of space science and space technology. Series in astronomy
used for/see from:
Series in astronomy
Ellis Horwood series in astronomy
Details Uniform Title 1 record
Uniform Title:
Ellis Horwood series in food science and technology.
used for/see from:
Ellis Horwood food science and technology series
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Ellis Horwood series in food science, management, and technology
Details Uniform Title 1 record
Uniform Title:
Ellis Horwood series in marine technology
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Ellis Horwood series in pharmaceutical technology
see also:
Details Uniform Title 1 record
Uniform Title:
Embedded technology series
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Environmental science and technology.
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Europump guides to advanced pumping technology
used for/see from:
European Association for Pump Manufacturers. Europump guides to advanced pumping technology
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Expertise in pharmaceutical process technology series
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Personal Names:
Ferguson, Bill (Writer on information technology)
Details Personal Name 0 records
Topical Term:
Fine pitch technology
used for/see from:
FPT (Printed circuits)
see also:
Electronic packaging (Broader heading)
Solder and soldering (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 2 records
Topical Term:
Fluid power technology
see also:
Fluid mechanics (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 17 records
Topical Term:
Fluid power technology Congresses
Details Topical Term 1 record
Uniform Title:
Food cycle technology source books
Details Uniform Title 2 records
Uniform Title:
Food preservation technology series
used for/see from:
Food preservation technology
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Food science and technology international series
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Food science and technology (Marcel Dekker, Inc.)
see also:
Details Uniform Title 1 record
Uniform Title:
Food technology review.
Details Uniform Title 0 records
Uniform Title:
Gas service technology
Details Uniform Title 0 records
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