Cortot, Alfred, 1877-1962

Alfred Cortot's studies in musical interpretation / Jeanne Thieffry ; translated by Robert Jaques ; with a foreword by Alfred Cortot and a frontispiece. - London : G.G. Harrap, 1937. - 278 p. : ill., music, port. ; 22 cm. + hbk.

Translation of v. 1 of Cortot's Cours d'interprâetation, recueilli et râedigâe par Jeanne Thieffry. Includes "Index of musical compositions cited".

An introduction to interpretation -- The forms: The prelude and the fugue. The preludes of Chopin and Debussy. The suite. Interval. The sonata. The concerto. The variation. Postlude.


Piano music--Analysis, appreciation
Piano music--Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.)
