Smith, Robert Ernest, 1879-

Machine woodworking / Robert Ernest Smith. - 2nd ed. - Bloomington, Ill. : McKnight & McKnight, (1948) - 152 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.

Includes index.

Section I: Shop Administration -- Section II: The Circular Saw and Sawing Operations -- Section III: The Radial Arm Saw and Its use -- Section IV: Band and jig saws -- Section V: Jointer and jointer operations -- Section VI: Planers and planing operations -- Section VII: Mortising machines and mortising -- Section VIII: Bench shapers and routers - and shaping operations -- Section IX: Hand Routers and other Electrically Operated Tools -- Section X: Power Sanders and Sanding Operations -- Section XI: Woodturning Equipment and Processes -- Section XII: Power and Hand Grinders and Grinding Processes.

Woodworking machinery.
