Reinventing pedagogy of the oppressed contemporary critical perspectives / [electronic book] : edited by James D. Kirylo. - online resource (xx, 260 pages)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Preparing foundational phase educators: reading the word and world through transect walks -- W.E.B. DuBois and Paulo Freire: toward a 'pedagogy of the veil' to counter racism in early childhood education -- The community as a teacher educator: preparing critically conscious teacher candidates in Detroit -- Making meaning in the carceral space: freirean dialogue and existential becoming in the jail or prison classroom -- Critical race counterstories and Freire's critical pedagogy: navigating race in an interdisciplinary literature and religious studies course -- Toward a software of the oppressed: A Freirean approach to surveillance capitalism -- Freirean cultural circles in a contemporary social studies class --The liberatory potential for teacher mindfulness -- Who's in charge?: Teacher authority and navigating the dialogical-based classroom -- 'To Speak a Book': Lessons from Myles Horton and Paulo Freire's We Make the Road Walking -- The beloved community and utopia: hope in the face of struggle as envisioned by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Paulo Freire -- Less certain but no less committed: Paulo Freire and Simone de Beauvoir on ethics and education -- Ley de Reforma Educativa de Puerto Rico: A Freirean perspective -- Overcoming (in)difference: emancipatory pedagogy and indigenous worldviews toward respectful relationships with the more-than-human world -- We write on the earth as the earth writes on us: Paulo Freire the (post)humanist -- The postdigital challenge of Paulo Freire's prophetic church -- Pursuing critical consciousness on the tenure track: toward a humanizing praxis within the Neoliberal university -- Living in the contradictions: LGBTQ educators and critical pedagogy -- An eye- witness account of Freire's return back to Brazil after the exile: personal reflections on fighting oppression -- Dare to hope: the art of untying the tongue and awakening the resilient spirit.

Electronic reproduction.:
Bloomsbury Collections.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.

9781350117174 (paperback) 9781350117211 (e-book) 9781350117204 (e-book) 135011720X (e-book)

Multicultural education
Inclusive education
