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Sequence alignment (Bioinformatics) (Topical Term)

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Preferred form: Sequence alignment (Bioinformatics)
Used for/see from:
  • Alignment, Sequence (Bioinformatics)
  • Determination, Sequence homology (Bioinformatics)
  • Homology determination, Sequence (Bioinformatics)
  • Sequence homology determination (Bioinformatics)

Work cat.: Potter, R.M. Constructing phylogenetic trees using multiple sequence alignment, 2008: leaf 5 (Sequence alignment is a way of arranging sequences of DNA, RNA, or proteins in order to distinguish regions of similarity)

MeSH browser, Dec. 5, 2008 (Sequence Alignment. The arrangement of two or more amino acid or base sequences from an organism or organisms in such a way as to align areas of the sequences sharing common properties. The degree of relatedness or homology between the sequences is predicted computationally or statistically based on weights assigned to the elements aligned between the sequences. This in turn can serve as a potential indicator of the genetic relatedness between the organisms. UF Determination, Sequence Homology; Sequence Homology Determination. BT in tree structures: Genetic Techniques)

Wikipedia, Dec. 5, 2008 (Sequence alignment. In bioinformatics, a sequence alignment is a way of arranging the primary sequences of DNA, RNA, or protein to identify regions of similarity that may be a consequence of functional, structural, or evolutionary relationships between the sequences)

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