MTU Cork Library Catalogue

Beauty and the gut

Jackson, Danielle.

Beauty and the gut [electronic book] / Danielle Jackson. - 1 online resource (218 pages)

The thyroid -- Skin -- Love Your gut -- How does digestion work? -- Tips for keeping your colon clean and healthy: -- What damages your gut health? -- How to improve your digestion -- Leaky gut -- Leaky gut symptoms -- What causes leaky gut? -- Other factors that cause leaky gut are: -- Zonulin -- Leaky gut and the brain -- The top supplements for healing leaky gut -- How to test if you have a leaky gut -- IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) -- SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) -- What is SIBO? -- Symptoms of SIBO -- Common symptoms/Conditions of SIBO and IBS include -- Causes of SIBO -- Complications associated with SIBO -- Treating SIBO -- The best herbal remedies for SIBO are: -- Foods to avoid -- What can I eat when healing from SIBO? -- GAPS diet (Gut and psychology syndrome) -- GAPS diet -- Supplements for SIBO -- Essential oils for SIBO -- Food intolerances -- If you suspect you have a food intolerance -- Candida -- Some of the symptoms include -- Decide which supplements you need -- Supplements to help kill candida -- Foods to eat -- Foods to avoid -- An ideal day on the candida cleanse -- Parasites -- Parasite killers -- Parasites are also a cause of chronic inflammation in the gut and may be another reason why you are suffering from a skin problem, digestive issue or chronic illness -- Stress and the gut -- The role of probiotics and prebiotics -- Choosing a good probiotic -- Probiotic strains -- Bifidobacterium species -- Streptococcus species -- Probiotic rich foods -- Prebiotic rich foods -- Probiotics for beauty. Digestive enzymes -- Where do I get enzymes from? -- Reasons to take enzymes: -- High enzyme food -- The importance of detoxing -- A clean body Is a glowing, strong and healthy body! -- What detoxing/cleansing does: -- How to detox -- Cellulite -- Cellulite recipe -- Detox bath for cellulite -- Eat foods to beat cellulite -- Essential oils for cellulite -- Dry skin brushing for beauty and health -- Dry brushing: how to do it -- Happy brushing! -- The link between acne and gut health -- Acne tips -- Sugar -- Watch out for these -- Soy -- What about Asian countries where soy Is consumed in large amounts? -- Fermented soy -- Watch out - Soy is everywhere! -- Dairy and the gut -- Calcium and osteoporosis -- Good sources of plant based calcium -- Bread and gluten on the gut -- Medications and painkillers -- PCOS -- Eat more of these foods to fight PCOS naturally -- Foods to avoid for PCOS (same as for leaky gut) -- The miracle of coconut oil for healing your gut -- Foods that steal our beauty and health -- Juicing -- Juicing helps -- Which types of juicers are best? -- Green juice and leaky gut -- Get juicing! -- The differences between juicing and blending -- Why greens are important for our beauty and health -- Try this juice recipe -- What does chlorophyll do? -- Blue-green algae for beauty and the gut -- What Is It? -- Ingredients -- The amazing powers of turmeric for beauty and the Gut-- Here are some more amazing benefits of turmeric -- How to use turmeric -- What can you expect if you take turmeric daily?-- Sprouts and their amazing beauty and health benefits -- Sprouts and their benefits -- Sprouts for beautiful hair -- Skin benefits of sprouts -- Types of sprouts -- Food combining for a healthy gut -- Here are the happy gut rules -- Facial mapping -- Essential oils for outstanding beauty and health -- Essential oils are known to help -- The best carrier oils -- How to use essential oils -- Yoga and breath for a healthy gut -- Breathing technique -- Water -- This will -- Why should you add lemon to your water? -- Tongue scraping and the gut connection -- Directions -- Oil pulling -- Foods to eat for beauty and health -- Health and beauty minerals -- Here is a list of a few of them and their benefits -- Spices and herbs for health and beauty -- Heal your gut for beauty and longevity -- Remove toxins from your diet such as -- Be more careful with your food choices -- Add supplements to your diet such as -- Beauty and the gut recipes -- Juices -- Anti-aging beauty - Carrot and cucumber juice -- Beauty facts -- Cucumber and kale -- Ingredients -- Glorious glowing green goddess -- The disease fighter -- Beauty benefits -- The anti-inflammatory -- The beauty elixir -- Creamy blueberries -- Cucumber and avocado.

Electronic reproduction.:
ProQuest LibCentral.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.

9781788781800 9781528942850 (e-book)


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